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Golden Age Platform: Inclusion of Senior Citizens to Virtualised Environments with Lifelong Learning Facilities (GAP-IOS)

laptopGolden Age Platform: Inclusion of Senior Citizens to Virtualised Environments with Lifelong Learning Facilities (GAP-IOS) is a project funded by the European Union and Turkish National Agency in the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme, which is the funding programme on education, youth and sports of the European Union, as part of Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education. Target group of the project is the elderly people and seniors over the age of 65+ years old. For the elderly, it is necessary to be engaged actively in society, to be constructive, to deal with current and social issues. There is a substantial need for opportunities to promote senior’s active inclusion in society and lifelong learning, so that they can connect with other people and their social contribution can be ensured. The project creates educational environments and provides a Best Practice Model (Golden Age Platform) that can be used in various countries to increase the living standards of elderly. The project aims at the social integration of the elderly and seniors in a unique way where they can be more active in social life through high-quality learning opportunities via digital learning solutions through various learning methods.

The project GAP-IOS brings together seven partners who work with and for seniors and are experienced in life-long learning, training and online educational activities from 4 different European countries. The project coordinator is Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University which is a public university from Turkey. Project partners are Proportional Message – a humanitarian NGO from Portugal, iserundschmidt – a science and knowledge communication company from Germany, Open Evidence - a research and consultancy company from Spain, YASAM – a research centre in Ankara University, Turkey Retired Persons Organisation - an NGO working for the elderly people and Altindag Municipality, which is one of the biggest municipalities in Ankara region.

GAP-IOS is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union 2020-1-TR01-KA204-094736

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Please find more information about the project and the associated partners in our GAP-IOS flyer (PDF file).